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New member

we're running a quite large forum, currently on vB 3.8.

We would like to update to vB 5.X. Unfortunately, we're using vBSEO. Before we can update to vB 5.X, we need a alternative for vBSEO.

As it seems, the only alternative is your DragonByte SEO and it's feature list is quite impressing. But unfortunately, DragonByte SEO is not listed as working with vB 5.X.

  • Will there be a version of DragonByte SEO for vB 5.X?
  • Can you state a date or timeframe (approx.) when DragonByte SEO will be available?

We have no plans to create a version of DragonByte SEO for vBulletin 5, because vBulletin 5's URLs are already search engine optimised (as is the HTML, which DBSEO can't do).

I would recommend getting in touch with the guys over at and ask them if they would be able to assist you with creating .htaccess redirects from your vBSEO URLs to vB5's URLs. We've used them in the past, and they might be able to help :)
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